145 lines
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145 lines
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draft : false
categories : ["Blog","English","Français"]
title : "Cool links of March"
displayInMenu : false
dropCap : true
description : "This month, there is, as always, a fair shaire of links about tech. I've shared a few links that helped me fix my problems, and some political articles I read and find interesting, but it doesn't mean I agree a 100% with what's written there. Have a good read !"
date : "2019-04-02T13:37:42Z"
displayInList : true
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src: "cover.jpg"
# Cool links of march
This month had it's share of problems : my two computers broke down a few days apart, and because I forgot to backup my writings, I've lost most of the links I saved for the past days. Thankfully, I have a lot more in reserve, so this month will be light, and more links will be published next month. There is, as always, a fair shaire of links about tech. I've shared a few links that helped me fix my problems, and some political articles I read and find interesting, but it doesn't mean I agree a 100% with what's written there. Have a good read !
## [https://github.com/shazow/ssh-chat](SSH-chat)
Ever wanted to have a tchat server that you can connect to with SSH ? Well now you can.
## [Python 3 CheatSheet](https://perso.limsi.fr/pointal/python:memento)
Everything you need to know when coding in Python 3.
## [Free books on Linux](https://www.linuxjournal.com/books)
Books about anything and everything you need to know about Linux ! From SSH to Machine Learning, you'll have access to a load of knowledge.
## [The Pacman Rosetta](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Pacman_Rosetta)
As I said in introduction, my computers broke down. On my laptop, I had been using Ubuntu for the past 4 years, with virtually no problems, until my SSD failed.. I installed a new SSD, and decided it was time to move to something new, and installed Manjaro Linux. One of the things I was worried about was learning the Pacman package manager. I had read about people breaking theire system with updates. Thankfully, the archlinux wiki is a gold mine, and has a page where all the usual apt commands and translated to pacman commands ! Nice !
## [Entrering the static web](https://staticadventures.netlib.re/blog/entering-the-static-web/)
Why does Wordpress have a security flaw every other month ? Why do we use so much energy to power the internet ? Is there another way ?
Well, yes ! And this website is part of it : it's a static website. Changes only happen when a new post is published. Otherwise, it's just a bunch of HTML files hosted by a very small computer.
The linked article explores briefly the history of publishing on the internet and gives a overlook of how things are changing to old, proved and efficient tech.
## [ts : don't loose track of time or KISS](https://linuxcommando.blogspot.com/2019/03/ts-epitome-of-unix-philosophy.html?)
A nice little command to append the time to a command in your Linux terminal. It's very KISS ( Keep It Simple Stupid ).
## [RaspberryPi Motor Library in Python](https://github.com/gavinlyonsrepo/RpiMotorLib)
A python library to control the most popular motors and servors with your raspberry pi.
## [Making a Homebrew video game console](https://internalregister.github.io/2019/03/14/Homebrew-Console.html)
When you're nostalgic of the old video games you played as a kid, sometimes the only solution is to build one yourself. That's what Sérgio Vieira did, build the sound system, the logic, the motherboard and even writing a full game for the console ! The article is rich in details, with links to help you make your own !
Warning : spaghetty wires, jumper cable hell !
## [Building the Digitally Gated Community: The Case of Nextdoor](https://ojs.library.queensu.ca/index.php/surveillance-and-society/article/view/12927)
"The neighborhood is a historic and contemporary site of the assertion of white racial and economic domination, particularly over Black people. Although there is strong evidence that whites continue to prefer racially segregated neighborhoods, fifty years of fair housing jurisprudence has made it more difficult to openly bar non-white residents. Among the many strategies used to protect white domination of residential space is the coordinated surveillance and policing of non-white people. In this paper, I show how Nextdoor, a neighborhood-based social network, has become an important platform for the surveillance and policing of race in residential space, enabling the creation of what I call digitally gated communities."
## [Inmates in Finland are training AI as part of prison labor](https://www.theverge.com/2019/3/28/18285572/prison-labor-finland-artificial-intelligence-data-tagging-vainu)
AI doesn't mean anything without the work of people who train it. And most of the time, that work is boring, badly paid and done by people who live in very though conditions. Talk about a revolution...
## [The thinkpad X210 is the best computer you can get](https://geoff.greer.fm/2019/03/04/thinkpad-x210/)
Done by a small group of enthousiasts, the Thinkpad X210 is modular, powerfull and durable. "Linux worked out of the box.", "Battery life has increased significantly. I now get 6 hours with the flush battery and 10 hours with the extended battery.", "The fan only turns on if I’m doing something intensive like compiling go or scrolling in Slack.".
## [Pay for your emails](https://jlelse.blog/thoughts/2019/email-providers/)
If it's free, you're the product : it's true for emails too. But, even by paying for your emails, you have little control over what happens to them. One solution to that is self-hosting, I'll write about that one day.
## [Make Linux Fast Again](https://make-linux-fast-again.com/)
"Just expose yourself to very serious security risks."
## [LibreFox](https://github.com/intika/Librefox)
Make firefox respect your privacy. Lately, Mozilla has been integrating more and more services in the browser, even tho it might not be what you're looking for in a browser. Keeping it simple is becoming hard, but this project's aim is to make it easy.
## Every network tool in Linux

## [Start your own civilisation with this cool CD](https://wiki.opensourceecology.org/wiki/Civilization_Starter_Kit_DVD_v0.01)
Open-source tools, machines and technics to kick-start your civilisation.
## [Ernest Illm's Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/ernestillm/)
A nice graph artist's instagram page.
# Les Liens cool du mois de mars
Ce mois-ci, beaucoup d'analyse politique de l'actualité. En même temps, vu le climat politique en France en ce moment, c'est normal on va dire. Quelques liens aussi sur la technologie, et notamment une nouvelle qui est passée presque inapercue, à propos des écrans de pub dans le métro.
## [No G0°gle France](https://no-google.frama.wiki/actions:france)
Un wiki qui recense tout pleins d'actions, de documentations et de liens du groupe No G0°gle France.
## [AirBnB dans votre quartier : ça donne quoi ?](https://parisvsbnb.fr/scraper/)
Un petit outil qui permet d'avoir une idée précise de la présence d'AirBnB dans votre ville, grâce à la récolte des données sur leur site web de façon automatisée. Vous pouvez ensuite les trier, les classer, etc...
## [Le traité de Lisbonne autorise à tuer des « émeutiers »](https://mobile.agoravox.fr/actualites/europe/article/le-traite-de-lisbonne-autorise-a-62526)
On se doute que les états font rarement des excuses quand il s'agit de tuer des citoyens révoltés, mais le fait que ça soit inscrit dans la loi, qui leur donne un semblant de légitimité, est troublant.
## [Transition écologique et numérique main dans la main](https://information.tv5monde.com/info/peut-faire-converger-la-transition-energetique-et-la-transition-numerique-291612)
Un institue à publié ce rapport qui traite du lien entre la transition écologique et la transition numérique au sein de la société. Mention spécial aux CHATONS, à la [FDN](https://fnd.net) et aux solutions [low-tech](https://solar.lowtechmagazine.com/)
## [La voiture autonome ne viendra pas toute seule](https://www.lesechos.fr/industrie-services/automobile/premiers-coups-de-frein-sur-la-voiture-autonome-1003606#xtor=CS1-26)
« Compte tenu du coût additionnel de la technologie, le coût de la voiture devient tel que celui qui peut se la payer n'est de toutes les façons pas derrière le volant, mais plutôt sur la banquette arrière… »
## [Guide de protection numérique](https://nothing2hide.org/fr/2019/04/02/notre-guide-de-protection-numerique/)
## [Les écrans de pub traquent vos smartphone.](https://www.frandroid.com/culture-tech/577876_dans-le-metro-ces-ecrans-de-publicites-traquent-vos-smartphones)
Dans le métro, à Paris, tout vos trajets sont maintenant traqué par les écrans de pub. N'oubliez pas de désactiver le wifi et le bluetooth avant de prendre le métro. Vous pouvez vous enlever des listes avec un marteau et un peu d'essence, ou en (suivant ce lien)[https://retency.com/stats/manual_optout.html]
## [L’exécutif au défi d’un mouvement social disparate et « perlé »](https://www.la-croix.com/France/Lexecutif-defi-dun-mouvement-social-disparate-perle-2019-03-17-1201009429)
Après un samedi de manifestations et de violences, des syndicats appellent à de nouvelles mobilisations pour le pouvoir d’achat, mardi 19 mars. Emmanuel Macron, qui avait repris pied grâce au grand débat, semble à nouveau subir les événements.
## [Permaculture et logiciels libres](https://framablog.org/2019/02/27/permaculture-et-logiciels-libres/)
"Vous ne voyez pas le rapport ? Eh bien eux, si. La petite association allemande qui anime le projet Permaculture Commons a de modestes ambitions : changer le monde."
## [Le web indé en deuil](https://nota-bene.org/Le-Web-inde-en-deuil)
Pierre Lazuly est mort. C’est comme ça, que veux-tu. Cela dit, ce qu'il a fait, c'est beau. Ce qu'il pensait aussi.
"Beijing 2" by Jonathan Kos-Read is licensed with CC BY-ND 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/2.0/