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          <h1 class="post-title">Cool links of July</h1>
          <p class="post-date">Posted <time datetime="2020-07-30">Jul 30, 2020</time></p>
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        <h1 id="cool-links-of-july">Cool links of July</h1>
<h2 id="become-a-van-dweller-for-amazonhttpswwwthevergecom201971020687434amazon-sellers-nomad-merchants-products-malls-walmart"><a href="https://www.theverge.com/2019/7/10/20687434/amazon-sellers-nomad-merchants-products-malls-walmart">Become a Van Dweller, for Amazon.</a></h2>
<p>I&rsquo;ve wanted to go live on the road for quite some time now, but I&rsquo;m reading more and more articles about people living on the road not by choice, but by obligation. More and more people in the US live in vans, by it in California where living is too costly, or across the country. Some of theses people found a very odd job : buy stuff in superstores, and selling it for a profit on Amazon. Live in your van, and Bezos might reward you if you find the right <strong>stuff</strong>.</p>
<h2 id="nazi-punks-fuck-off---from-the-fediverse-httpswwwthevergecom201971220691957mastodon-decentralized-social-network-gab-migration-fediverse-app-blocking"><a href="https://www.theverge.com/2019/7/12/20691957/mastodon-decentralized-social-network-gab-migration-fediverse-app-blocking">Nazi Punks fuck off - from the fediverse !</a></h2>
<p>Decentralized networks are resistant to censorship, but that also means that when nazis come along, they are also immune&hellip; Or are they ? If the community resists them, they might not be censord, just isolated. Is that enough ?</p>
<h2 id="why-would-you-implement-a-browser-in-the-browser-to-browse-what-you-could-browse-with-a-browser-httpscartersandeduodecimatechnologyjavascript-page-navigation"><a href="https://carter.sande.duodecima.technology/javascript-page-navigation/">Why would you implement a browser in the browser to browse what you could browse with a browser ?</a></h2>
<p>A love story between Javascript developpers who need to prove something and slowness, all of it taking place in your very own browser.</p>
<h1 id="les-liens-cool-du-mois-de-juillet">Les Liens cool du mois de Juillet</h1>
<h2 id="la-fraude-fiscale-révolutionnairehttpsreporterrenetni-capitalisme-ni-etat-la-cooperative-integrale-s-epanouit-a-barcelone"><a href="https://reporterre.net/Ni-capitalisme-ni-Etat-la-Cooperative-integrale-s-epanouit-a-Barcelone">La fraude fiscale révolutionnaire</a></h2>
<p>En catalogne, ne payer d&rsquo;impôt, c&rsquo;est pas seulement un truc des grosses entreprises capitalistes. C&rsquo;est aussi ce qui permet, entre autres, à la coopérative intégrale de préparer, selon elle, la révolution.</p>

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    <h2 class="card-title">A case for the importance of multiple identities in the fediverse.</h2>
    <p class="card-text">Let&#39;s discuss an important subject : multiple identities. Do you have severale email addresses ? Did you already present yourself under another name ? And, on the web, did you already try to make yourself anonymous ? With the new Fediverse network, multiple identities are the building blocks of the network, but it may cause some confusion. Some people also thing the network shouldn&#39;t allow it or work in a different way.</p>
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          Posted <time datetime="2019-07-01 71:00">Jul 1, 2019</time>

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    <p class="card-subtext muted-text">This is the next article in the same categorie</p>


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  <h3>Articles from blogs I follow around the net</h3>
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        <a href="https://solar.lowtechmagazine.com/2021/03/urban-fish-ponds-low-tech-sewage-treatment-for-towns-and-cities.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Urban Fish Ponds: Low-tech Sewage Treatment for Towns and Cities</a>
      <p class="summary">In the mid 20th century, whole cities’ sewage systems safely and successfully used fish to treat and purify their water. Waste-fed fish ponds are a low-tech, cheap, and sustainable alternative to deal with our own shit — and to obtain high protein food in…</p>
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        via <a href="https://solar.lowtechmagazine.com/">LOW←TECH MAGAZINE</a>
      <small class="date">March 28, 2021</small>
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        <a href="https://www.laquadrature.net/2021/03/26/gendnotes-entre-flicage-inavoue-et-mauvaise-foi/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">GendNotes : entre flicage inavoué et mauvaise foi</a>
      <p class="summary">Il y a plus d&#39;un an, le gouvernement autorisait par décret la gendarmerie à utiliser une application de prise de notes sur téléphone mobile intitulée GendNotes. Nous avions déposé un recours contre ce décret devant…</p>
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        via <a href="https://www.laquadrature.net">La Quadrature du Net</a>
      <small class="date">March 26, 2021</small>
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        <a href="https://mamot.fr/@n07070/105955483490021614" target="_blank" rel="noopener">n07070: “N&#39;empêche, …”</a>
      <p class="summary">N&#39;empêche, vu la situation actuelle, heureusement que la réforme de la sécu c&#39;était pas le premier truc à l&#39;ordre du jour des destructions prévues par Macron...</p>
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        via <a href="https://mamot.fr/@n07070">N07070 (@n07070@mamot.fr)</a>
      <small class="date">March 26, 2021</small>
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