About me

What is this blog about ?
For the moment it’s mostly some articles I wrote, but over time, if I get good feedback, I’ll try to turn to publishing as a full-time job. I plan on writing about ecology, tech, society, traveling, politics and fiction. If you like hastags, #SolarPunk, #VanLife, #DIY, #dWeb…
I’m writing in French and English, maybe even in Esperanto one day !
Most of the articles and general structure of the blog’s source is found in my git server ! Feel free to correct things or propose articles and such !
Who am I ?
I’m a student in his twenties. I’m trying to figure out life. If you have any thing to say to me, or would just like to tchat, hit me up at this email !
Projects and code
I try to keep my git up-to-date, but for now, I’m mainly migrating bit by bit from Microsoft’s Github.
How to follow this blog
You can follow this blog with :
- ActivityPub
- Or by coming every two weeks. I won’t post more than that… for now.
How you can help
Writing is time-consuming, and sadly I need to work. Each euro you give me is a step ahead ! If you wonder how I’m gonna use your money, feel free to shoot an email at me !
I accept donations via Liberapay for now, but if you prefer another way, I’m sure I can set it up for you. Just ask me !