# This script will publish the compiled output of the blog # as it is now in this directory. # It could be futher improved by taking this version, # making a git branch at this point, or a git tag # to enable rollbacks. WEBSITE_URL="https://n07070.xyz" # Last blog version git pull origin master # Get last theme version git submodule foreach git pull origin master # Dither images present in the blog, moving the existing images to filename_original.jpg ## Travel down the directory content/ find content/ \ # Find from the content directory -maxdepth 4 \ # Maximum depth of 4 dirs -type f \ # Find only files -name "*.jpg" \ # Find only JPEG files -exec \ # Execute next lines cp {} {}.original && \ # Copy file and add .original to it's filename convert {} -colorspace GRAY -o ordered-dither o2x2 {}\ # Dither image jpegoptim {} -S 80 -t ; # Optimize the jpeg file # Generate the openring ( https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/openring ) ./openring -s https://www.laquadrature.net/feed -s https://mamot.fr/@n07070.rss -s https://solar.lowtechmagazine.com/feeds/all-en.rss.xml < in.html > openring-out.html hugo --themesDir themes --theme blogotheme --baseURL="https://n07070.xyz" --enableGitInfo --minify --templateMetrics