title: "Across Town"
date: 2022-10-03T13:37:07Z
description : ""
categories : ["English","Story","Solarpunk"]
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# Solarpunk 

I just got off my boat in this beginning of summer, 2034. The sweet coast of France, whased upon by hot winds. Small trees now grow everywhere, replacing the old farms. They make for a very peacefull atmosphere. I always loved coming back home, the _depaysagement_ I felt in Greece was starting to get heavy on me. You would think that one of the biggest harbors in the region would be huge, all made of glass, steel and concret. But this one in constrat was the nicest I knew of. And I think that the light that fell from the glass roof, passing in the flowers that grew on the roof, made of tiles of hexagonal wood pains, brought something to it. As I walked off the boat on a small deck I could only stop for a second and take a deep breath, pausing for a second and look at the harbord. The gardens that surrounded it, nowhere on earth where they so pretty. Now that all public space where made common, people had started to care about the places they lived in and made every parking spot into a garden, every mall into a community center and every townhall into a maternety. There was so much more place for beauty to arise from. 

I need to get to my friend's house before noon but so much had changed in the past two years. Before, when you arrived here, you needed to take a bus or a cab to move around. It cost money, took time and it really wasn't enjoyable. Now, the tram made it possible for everyone to move around really fast. Being free and automated, they where trains every few minutes. I got on the one of 12:14, but I could of took the one before.