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<h2 class="card-title">Mesh Networks are the People&#39;s Internet in Cuba</h2>
<p class="card-text">In the past few days, I&#39;ve started about the history of a network in Cuba that is much easier to access, faster, nearly free, and doesn&#39;t seem to have censorship in place, like the normal Internet. Best of all ? It&#39;s run as a mesh, operated by volunteers in La Havana. Similar but smaller networks are said to exist in other Cuban cities and provinces..</p>
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<p>Posted <time datetime="2021-04-02">Apr 2, 2021</time></p>
<p>#Blog #English </p>
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<h2 class="card-title">Cool links of July</h2>
<p class="card-text">Summer has come, and with it, a pile of old links that I wanted to read for a long time now ! Also, I&#39;ve been getting into writing more, so expect a lot more articles on diverses things soon !</p>
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<p>Posted <time datetime="2020-07-30">Jul 30, 2020</time></p>
<p>#Blog #English #Fran%C3%A7ais </p>
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<h2 class="card-title">A case for the importance of multiple identities in the fediverse.</h2>
<p class="card-text">Let&#39;s discuss an important subject : multiple identities. Do you have severale email addresses ? Did you already present yourself under another name ? And, on the web, did you already try to make yourself anonymous ? With the new Fediverse network, multiple identities are the building blocks of the network, but it may cause some confusion. Some people also thing the network shouldn&#39;t allow it or work in a different way.</p>
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<p>Posted <time datetime="2019-07-01">Jul 1, 2019</time></p>
<p>#Blog #English </p>
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<h2 class="card-title">Cool links of June</h2>
<p class="card-text">June is once a year, but there is a lot in reserve for next month. It&#39;s easier to read I guess ? We&#39;ll be talking knots, android and web accessibility.</p>
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<p>Posted <time datetime="2019-06-30">Jun 30, 2019</time></p>
<p>#Blog #English #Fran%C3%A7ais </p>
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<h2 class="card-title">Cool links of May</h2>
<p class="card-text">Some links about computers, but also about degrowth, Paris in the 20th century, ainsi que des billets d&#39;humeurs d&#39;autres blogs.</p>
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<p>Posted <time datetime="2019-06-03">Jun 3, 2019</time></p>
<p>#Blog #English #Fran%C3%A7ais </p>
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<h2 class="card-title">Cool links of April</h2>
<p class="card-text">Ho ho ho, this month the link stack is short. I didn&#39;t have much time to read, and most importantly I&#39;m finishing my studies for the year, which means I have examens to care about. Pfff... Anyway, I really recommend reading the Chinese Burner article and the Healing power of gardens. I loved thoses articles, it made me travel for a bit... </p>
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<p>Posted <time datetime="2019-05-03">May 3, 2019</time></p>
<p>#Blog #English #Fran%C3%A7ais </p>
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<h2 class="card-title">Cool links of March</h2>
<p class="card-text">This month, there is, as always, a fair shaire of links about tech. I&#39;ve shared a few links that helped me fix my problems, and some political articles I read and find interesting, but it doesn&#39;t mean I agree a 100% with what&#39;s written there. Have a good read !</p>
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<p>Posted <time datetime="2019-04-02">Apr 2, 2019</time></p>
<p>#Blog #English #Fran%C3%A7ais </p>
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<h2 class="card-title">Cool links of Febuary</h2>
<p class="card-text">Ce mois-ci, une sélection de liens en français ! And, of course, the majority of links are still in english ! In this month&#39;s cool links, I&#39;ll share a lot of content around agriculture, plants, and Solarpunk !</p>
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<p>Posted <time datetime="2019-02-28">Feb 28, 2019</time></p>
<p>#Blog #English #Fran%C3%A7ais </p>
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<h2 class="card-title">Cool links of January</h2>
<p class="card-text">Finding and sharing links is what made the success of the internet. But recently, I&#39;ve been finding it harder to find such links. I&#39;ll try to make a post like this one at the end of each month with the cool links I found on the internet.</p>
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<p>Posted <time datetime="2019-01-28">Jan 28, 2019</time></p>
<p>#Blog #English #Fran%C3%A7ais </p>
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<h2 class="card-title">Across Town</h2>
<p class="card-text">As I came out of the associative coffee shop of my neighbordhood, I was hit by a ray of light, straight to my face, and needed to stop for a few seconds. I had spent the night before drinking some home-made beer a friend had been brewing for the past months, and let me tell you that it was one of the finest beer I had recently. The sweet aromas of orange and cinammon where very welcome, but now I had to pay the price.</p>
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<p>Posted <time datetime="2019-01-03">Jan 3, 2019</time></p>
<p>#English #Blog </p>
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