ansible-role-hugo-deploy ========= This role is used to deploy a website managed by Hugo on a webserver. Requirements ------------ None, any package needed is downloaded by the role itself. It's written for Debian tho. Role Variables -------------- ``` hugo_deploy_site_url: "" ``` The URL used to build the website with Hugo. Used for the `--baseURL` argument. ``` hugo_deploy_website_git_url: "" ``` The git repo's URL for the website. ``` hugo_deploy_download_path: "/opt/hugo_deploy" ``` Where, on the server, will the website will be downloaded before it's built. ``` hugo_deploy_dest_webroot: "/var/www/{{hugo_deploy_site_url}}" ``` Where to copy the website once it's built. ``` hugo_deploy_build_openring: no ``` This role can use [Openring]( to build a Openring. Dependencies ------------ None. Example Playbook ---------------- --- - name: Converge become: yes hosts: all vars_files: - vars.yml tasks: - name: "Include ansible-role-hugo-deploy" include_role: name: "ansible-role-hugo-deploy" --- hugo_deploy_site_url: "" hugo_deploy_website_git_url: "" hugo_deploy_download_path: "/opt/hugo_deploy" hugo_deploy_build_openring: yes License ------- AGPLv3 Author Information ------------------ Built by [N07070](